Tag: you

Happiness is……

Ok its official, my work life had taken over the last month or so. Im sorry 🙁 On the plus side the results are showing, but a blog is way way overdue.

Seeing as though ive set aside 2012 to be the year for me i thought I’d write about me, and who I am.

Sometimes life gets in the way of “happiness”. It’s hard to stay focused when people, events and dreams blur around you. Before you know it you work, come home and crash, wake up, work, come home and crash again. The cycle pulls you in. Holding on to what’s important sometimes feels as though it’s slipping away…But I’ve got a strong grasp 🙂

Sometimes when im feeling lost, I need to reconnect to happiness. It’s best just to be alone, take a “time-out”

I need to remind myself of what I love. It’s noticing the beauty that envelopes me. It’s being surrounded by children or animals, both give you unconditional love. It’s wearing the baggiest sweater ive had since high school. It’s driving with the windows down and the music up. It’s feeling the wind through my hair and the sunlight on my face (The ultimate).

Then it’s silence. And warmth. And love. And coming home to my very best friend. And for that, I am reminded and grateful for all the sweet blessings in life.

How do you reconnect to keep your happiness?

Who I Am…

                                                                           I am…unique

I want…a proper home, with a garden

I have…so much happiness.

I wish…to travel the world.

I hate…judgemental people

I fear…losing the people I love

I hear…life all around me, laughter.

I search…for the good in people

I wonder…about the stars and what life will bring

I regret…nothing, because I am where life needs me to be.

I love…my family. More than anything.

I ache…when I see suffering in the world.

I always…try to be better today than yesterday.

I usually…listen to my music really loud.

I am not…going to allow anyone to define me, ever.

I dance…when someone is watching, and when they aren’t, in fact I dance all the time

I sing…when no-one is around

I never…go to bed with makeup on.

I sometimes…wish I was born into royalty

I cry…every time I watch Grey’s Anatomy

I am not always…rational.

I am confused…by mean people.

I need…to live up to my dreams

I should…never stop trying.

Who Are You?

(Post idea from Our Love Never Fails)