Ok, so I’ve climbed down off my “pregnancy pedestal” or rather, I came crashing down. The pregnancy “glow” has most definitely faded and now I’m dealing with dry brittle nails and hair, lackluster spotty skin, hormone levels that are out of sync and belly fat (I wont talk about my thighs) that isn’t disappearing as quickly as I would like. It’s like natures way of ensuring there’s no way in hell I’ll fall pregnant again soon 🙂 🙂
With the lack of sleep and constant dehydration due to breastfeeding, I have had to up my game and there have been a few products that I have focused on to help me regain a little “glow”.

Supplements – Pregnancy supplements – Yes, pregnancy. I would highly encourage everyone to keep taking these crucial multivitamins for the “fourth trimester” as well. Your body desperately needs to replenish the vitamins and minerals. I’ve noticed a massive difference since I started taking collagen supplements again as well. Most noticeably in my nails but also in the fine lines around my forehead. Make sure you keep hydrated, something I am so very bad at. If I could swap the cups of tea I drink in a day for glasses of water I am so sure I wouldn’t have half the problems!
Show your hair extra love – Oh that postpartum hair loss; I’ve been soaking up every treatment possible, but without a doubt, the one that’s made the biggest difference is my Moroccan Hair Oil. I have been using the shampoo and conditioner and its been soaking up each inch of moisture. I finish off with a dab of the oil and my hair is much softer. Get your hair done if it makes you feel good again, I’m definitely due to get my highlights re done again. Recently I’ve started to experiment with a mixture made up with my Young Living essential oils from Hello Essentials. Watch this space, if it helps with the hair loss you can bet i’ll be posting about it!

Spoil your Skin – both your body and your face. I’ve been using a Matsimela sugar scrub once a week and on a Sunday night I have a “me bath”, soaking in magnesium salts and a lush bath bomb to lift my mood. I’ve also been trying out Optiphi’s body curve range. I used the scar therapy on my tummy after birth (in addition to bio-oil) to combat any stretch marks.

Be firm with your face – I have been trying to be strict with my routine. I’ve gone back to basics and twice a week I use my Dermalogica daily microfoliant and every day, morning and night I have been using biolumin-c serum coupled with skin smoothing cream. To give my skin a little treat I have been using the Coco Mask from Skin & Tonic London. Naked Organiks has brought this cult favourite brand to South Africa. They believe in pure, simple ingredients and I am loving that you mix your own mask. Its in powder form to preserve the contents and you mix it up as you use it.

Release those exercise endorphins – I’m writing to myself here (note to self Rebecca), when you feel ready again, try to get as much exercise as you can to get the blood flowing again. There is nothing better then a bit of circulation to bring a glow to your face. This is one area I need to focus on and I honestly feel the only thing that will pick me up again.
The main thing, no matter what products you use, is to take a little bit of extra time to give yourself some TLC. You are not getting enough sleep, your body has been through a massive change and drop in hormones, be kind to yourself and take the time to give your body thanks.
Disclaimer: I received some of these products as gifts but all opinions are my own.