Tag: happiness

I Choose Love

I Choose Love

Valentines day is surrounded by controversy. It’s a completely commercialised day coercing consumers to unnecessarily spend money. It’s a pagan festival celebrating a “saint” we should not follow, there shouldn’t be only one day dedicated to love… I mentioned before, that now, more then ever we need love in this world. We need more people to open their hearts and love, with empathy.

So here’s a little bit about why I CHOOSE LOVE.

I remember during my psychology studies at University, coming across the story of a “Dr Emoto” and his “Messages from water” study. He basically had people “speak into water”. They whispered words of love and affirmation, and shouted words of anger onto the water. Those water samples were then frozen and photographed. He found that water that had been exposed to loving words created brilliant, complex, and colourful snowflake patterns. In contrast, the water exposed to negative thoughts, formed incomplete, uneven patterns with dull colours. This more than anything should show the world how our words and our energy impact the earth itself as well as our positive health. Another reason to say a prayer before we eat or drink 🙂 My favourite words (in terms of water crystal pictures) are happiness, gratitude and “I love you.”

I choose happiness. Of course the world can get you down, bad things will happen. In my family we have coined the term “Wilson’s law” instead of Murphy’s law as typically what can go wrong will go wrong, but it’s the way that you get through those things that make the difference. Your attitude. If you aren’t naturally a bounce off the wall “happy” person there are certain things you can do to choose happiness and positivity. Be the best that YOU can be, make a choice to surround yourself with the right person. As you saw above the power of another person’s energy on you has a dramatic effect on your wellbeing. I know personally if I have a fight with someone my body literally feels drained. I can’t quite explain the feeling but I physically feel weak and drained. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Everyone is in the same boat, whether you are the CEO of a global conglomerate or a street sweeper, we all have a same emotions and fears. Never be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone a little to see where your potential lies.

Choose to help others when you are able. There is no greater joy in life than the joy in seeing someone’s gratitude to receiving something, to helping someone in need.

We also get so caught up in our day to day world that we forget to tell those people closest to us how much we love them, we forget to show them through actions. So frankly, I love a day to use the excuse. I take my husband as an example. I honestly feel that in the past 2 years I could probably win the world’s crappiest wife award, and yes, I do think the title of worst husband could go to him too 🙂 (sometimes). We are caught up in life. Between work, school, raising our children and everything in between we often live “past” each other. Not even connecting with each other on truly how we are doing. For years in our relationship my husband was my sole priority. I did everything for him and he had my undivided attention and then came the job changes, the kids and with that my priorities shifted dramatically. He was bumped off his pedestal. So my dear husband, firstly I want to apologize to you, for not always giving you the attention you deserve, but you will always be my number one. Secondly I want to thank you, for supporting your family with such determination. I admire that so much. So this year my focus is you. My focus is showing those around me just how much I love them, how much I appreciate them.

My focus is on spreading the love and giving freely. If I could add a bit of positivity into just one person’s life it would be worth it. Choose love with me. Choose to rise above the hate and negativity in this world because there is far too much of it. Choose to be a BETTER PERSON. Yes there are horrific injustices in the world, which break my heart, but instead of focusing on how bad they are and blaming someone for them, CHOOSE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE YOURSELF.

So happy valentine’s day everyone, yes we don’t need a “DAY” to tell someone special that you love them, but sometimes it’s nice to have a forced reminder !

Happiness is……

Ok its official, my work life had taken over the last month or so. Im sorry 🙁 On the plus side the results are showing, but a blog is way way overdue.

Seeing as though ive set aside 2012 to be the year for me i thought I’d write about me, and who I am.

Sometimes life gets in the way of “happiness”. It’s hard to stay focused when people, events and dreams blur around you. Before you know it you work, come home and crash, wake up, work, come home and crash again. The cycle pulls you in. Holding on to what’s important sometimes feels as though it’s slipping away…But I’ve got a strong grasp 🙂

Sometimes when im feeling lost, I need to reconnect to happiness. It’s best just to be alone, take a “time-out”

I need to remind myself of what I love. It’s noticing the beauty that envelopes me. It’s being surrounded by children or animals, both give you unconditional love. It’s wearing the baggiest sweater ive had since high school. It’s driving with the windows down and the music up. It’s feeling the wind through my hair and the sunlight on my face (The ultimate).

Then it’s silence. And warmth. And love. And coming home to my very best friend. And for that, I am reminded and grateful for all the sweet blessings in life.

How do you reconnect to keep your happiness?

Who I Am…

                                                                           I am…unique

I want…a proper home, with a garden

I have…so much happiness.

I wish…to travel the world.

I hate…judgemental people

I fear…losing the people I love

I hear…life all around me, laughter.

I search…for the good in people

I wonder…about the stars and what life will bring

I regret…nothing, because I am where life needs me to be.

I love…my family. More than anything.

I ache…when I see suffering in the world.

I always…try to be better today than yesterday.

I usually…listen to my music really loud.

I am not…going to allow anyone to define me, ever.

I dance…when someone is watching, and when they aren’t, in fact I dance all the time

I sing…when no-one is around

I never…go to bed with makeup on.

I sometimes…wish I was born into royalty

I cry…every time I watch Grey’s Anatomy

I am not always…rational.

I am confused…by mean people.

I need…to live up to my dreams

I should…never stop trying.

Who Are You?

(Post idea from Our Love Never Fails)

A-Z (of things i love..)

A-Z (of things i love..)

A – Almonds. Best healthy snack.
B – Baking… have always, and will always be obsessed (when I have energy)
C – Cats (or dogs?) I neeeed a pet so badly at the moment, however it’s not the right time in my life. I’m a firm believer that pets have a telepathic connection with us and know exactly when we need extra attention
D – Dresses for Summer – I’m loving the feminine lightness, now I just need to follow-up with toned legs and a great tan?
E – Eggs Royale. Poached Eggs, Smoked Salmon, Hollandaise sauce, enough said
F – Fun filled weekends.
G – Gardens ! I LOVE the Outdoors there is nothing better to do on the weekend then laze around a huge patch of grass under a big tree

H – HAPPY – what I am right now and counting the days till the December break!
I – Ice – Cream – specifically Hagen Daaz ! Perfect for the Summer
J – Jewellery – statement pieces, rings, dangley earrings. I can’t get enough.
K -Kindness. Be kind to people. You never know what they are going through in their lives.
L – Laughing. My best is when you get a stitch from laughing and tears run down my cheeks. It’s simply the BEST. (although I always end up with Hiccups afterwards
M – Maldives – ah yes my dream destination that I will get to one day

N – Nature Reserves – There is nothing like heading back to nature for TRUE rest and relaxation.. T – 43 Days till I bask in the beautiful Botswana Heat of Chobe !

O – Oats. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I’m a big fan of oats. I also love adding blueberries, or strawberries 🙂
P – Photography. I really love seeing things through a lens. It’s a whole different view on life and add to beautiful memories
Q – Quality time with friends and loved ones.
R – Rainy days under a duvet.
S – Summer, Sun-Kissed Skin….
T – Tea !! What is better in life then curling up with a beautiful cup of tea
U – Underwear – it has to always match and it has to be comfortable.
V – Vision Boards. At work we call them Dream Boards. Create one for yourself every year and look back ! I love setting goals and dreams.
W – Watermelon. It’s slowly starting to come into season and I’m like a little girl at Christmas over this fruit.
X – Xenon Headlights – and my future car that will have them ………
Y – Yacht’s – some of my best memories have been island hopping on yachts. There is no other word to describe it other than Bliss!

Z – Zebra Print … in fact any animal print. I always accessories to an extra feel of sexy-ness