Tag: Halloween crafts

Halloween Sensory Bin

Halloween Sensory Bin

We always have fun making themed sensory bins. Its one of my favourite things to put together and often creates hours of fun for the boys. It’s often the simplest ideas and activities that are the biggest hit in our household.

Set up for this sensory bin was easy peasy:

I coloured some rice with a perfect pumpkin orange (you can click here to find out how)

I had some creepy crawlies lying around the house from last years sensory slime tray

Plastic Storage bin

Some cups/ containers/ plastic tongs to dig with

Turn it into an activity

Usually sensory bins are about open-ended play, exploration and curiosity. With some of the more simple ones I turn them into a task. To encourage fine motor skills, there is nothing better than scooping and pouring. I gave my youngest an empty cup to fill in and encouraged him to pick up the crawlies with the tongs and transfer them to the bowls and jars.

We used it as a scavenger hunt – I hid the bugs in the rice, and to encourage counting, told the boys they had to find : 5 spiders, 3 centipedes, 5 cockroaches (you get the picture.)


Have you ever made sensory tray’s with your children? Whats your favourite “theme” or base to use? Id love to hear your feedback.


Halloween Slime

Halloween Slime

Halloween is not something we traditionationally “celebrate” as a family, Ive spoken about it before but I really am against all the blood an gore it represents in todays world. But I can never resist jumping on board with the arts and crafts. You may remember the ooey gooey slime filled sensory tray we did last year. This year we have found a family event thats more than just your traditional “trick or treating” and the boys are a little excited that they have the opportunity to dress up. (You can see more about that on my facebook page).

That being said I wanted to move away from the traditional “sweet giving”. I came across this idea last year on Best Ideas for Kids and I couldnt wait to try it. I turned the “ghost” into a mummy, but there are so many options to do. You can make a large batch of one kind or make them all! Either way, kids will love receiving these adorable Halloween slime jars.

I tried a new slime recipe for this one, though I do prefer my original recipe, which you can find here, as it yields a larger portion of slime but uses the same amount of glue. For gifts however, this is perfect.

Ingredients you will need for Halloween Slime

This will make one batch, so repeat three times, one for each colour.  

  • 1 bottle of liquid glue (I use Bostik arts and crafts glue). 100 ml. For Frankenstein I used a clear craft glue. So you will need 3 bottles of glue
  • Orange food colouring , Green food colouring. Glitter (optional)
  • Just under 1/2 TBSP of Baking Soda
  • 1/2 TBSP of Contact lense solution – Make sure your brand contains boric acid. As with my original recipe with borax, the activiating agent is the boric acid
  • Optional: add 1 TBSP of water to your glue before adding baking soda if you’d like a stretchier slime.

To make the jars

  • Glass mason jars
  • Black Felt
  • Glue Gun
  • Googly eyes
  • Old bandage


  1. Get a 3 bowls to mix your slime into
  2. Pour the bottles of glue into each bowl. Use white glue for the ghost and pumpkin slime. Clear glue for Frankenstein.
  3. Place a drop of orange food colouring into one of the white bowls and a drop of green into the clear
  4. Add in your 1/2 TBSP of baking soda and mix in thoroughly. If you want a slightly stetchier slime , add 1 TBSP of water here.
  5. Now add in your contact lens solution. I always eye ball this part. Start by using half of what the recipe calls for and mix. If your slime is not forming enough, add in the rest. If you find it is still too sticky you can add a bit more.
  6. Mix until your slime forms and begins to harden. Knead for quite some time with your hands.  If it’s not the desirable consistency keep kneading.
  7. Create your little mason jars. For the pumpkin slime I cut out the pumpkins face out of black felt and used the hot glue gun to stick it on. For Frankenstein I used black felt and googly eyes for the Frankenstein jars. The mummy was just google eyes and cut up pieces of bandage.

Now have fun and play! Of course once my boys finished playing, all 3 of the colours were mixed up. We will be giving out one bottle each so hopefully that wont happen to our friends 🙂 Happy playing!