As we enter our 9th week of homeschooling, which is not really “homeschooling” but more “crises management” to be honest, I have been getting more and more frustrated with not having everything I need “in one place”. I’ve been making my own flashcards based on the sight words the school sends every week and I noticed there wasn’t one site that had them all and I have had to jump back and forth between a few.
A few of you asked after seeing my flash cards on my instagram stories the other day where I got my resources from, and inspired by “Just a Mamma” with her number flash cards I thought I would share my sight words.

Before you jump in, I am not a teacher, though I have a massive passion for early childhood development. I have verified this list with the school and they are a combination of both Dolce and Fry’s Sight Words.
Sight words are words that appear frequently in most of the text that our children read, but can’t easily be sounded out. Learning to recognize sight words is the easiest and quickest way for early readers to progress and become confident.

Use them as is or cut them out, stick them onto card and laminate them for easy use. Here’s a tip, if you don’t have access to a laminate machine, stick them between two sheets of contact paper. Keep an eye on my Instagram page for a few fun ways we have learnt to play with sight words, trying my hardest to make learning fun here 🙂 Click here to download your free Grade One Sight Words.

I hope these help you in some way, please tag me or comment if you find them useful or if there are any other resources you are struggling with. We are all in this together and if this helps just one other parent I’ll be happy !