Tag: gardens

A-Z (of things i love..)

A-Z (of things i love..)

A – Almonds. Best healthy snack.
B – Baking… have always, and will always be obsessed (when I have energy)
C – Cats (or dogs?) I neeeed a pet so badly at the moment, however it’s not the right time in my life. I’m a firm believer that pets have a telepathic connection with us and know exactly when we need extra attention
D – Dresses for Summer – I’m loving the feminine lightness, now I just need to follow-up with toned legs and a great tan?
E – Eggs Royale. Poached Eggs, Smoked Salmon, Hollandaise sauce, enough said
F – Fun filled weekends.
G – Gardens ! I LOVE the Outdoors there is nothing better to do on the weekend then laze around a huge patch of grass under a big tree

H – HAPPY – what I am right now and counting the days till the December break!
I – Ice – Cream – specifically Hagen Daaz ! Perfect for the Summer
J – Jewellery – statement pieces, rings, dangley earrings. I can’t get enough.
K -Kindness. Be kind to people. You never know what they are going through in their lives.
L – Laughing. My best is when you get a stitch from laughing and tears run down my cheeks. It’s simply the BEST. (although I always end up with Hiccups afterwards
M – Maldives – ah yes my dream destination that I will get to one day

N – Nature Reserves – There is nothing like heading back to nature for TRUE rest and relaxation.. T – 43 Days till I bask in the beautiful Botswana Heat of Chobe !

O – Oats. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I’m a big fan of oats. I also love adding blueberries, or strawberries 🙂
P – Photography. I really love seeing things through a lens. It’s a whole different view on life and add to beautiful memories
Q – Quality time with friends and loved ones.
R – Rainy days under a duvet.
S – Summer, Sun-Kissed Skin….
T – Tea !! What is better in life then curling up with a beautiful cup of tea
U – Underwear – it has to always match and it has to be comfortable.
V – Vision Boards. At work we call them Dream Boards. Create one for yourself every year and look back ! I love setting goals and dreams.
W – Watermelon. It’s slowly starting to come into season and I’m like a little girl at Christmas over this fruit.
X – Xenon Headlights – and my future car that will have them ………
Y – Yacht’s – some of my best memories have been island hopping on yachts. There is no other word to describe it other than Bliss!

Z – Zebra Print … in fact any animal print. I always accessories to an extra feel of sexy-ness