Are you a “breakfast” kind of family? My kids take after me with their love for cereal – the boys literally go to sleep planning what cereal they will have the next day. I used to have fights with my parents as a child because every night I would want cereal for supper!

As I have become a parent myself, I have realised and witnessed first-hand, how important a balanced breakfast is. It replenishes your body with a supply of essential nutrients and keeps your little one’s energy levels up throughout the day. I have seen a direct correlation in my son’s moods if I give him a typical “sugary” cereal versus a more wholesome one. As a result, I have recently started to pay much closer attention to the ingredients and nutritional benefits of my breakfast cereals I’m buying.
Have you looked at the cereal aisle lately? There are literally a million options; many of which claim to be healthy when they’re not. How do you know which healthy breakfast cereals taste good? Words like “whole grain”, “all natural” and “sugar free” are thrown around, but which is best?

When we were asked if we wanted to review “Jungle Crunchalots” I jumped at the chance, knowing that my cereal monster would love to try them out. Any cereal that contains Vitamins A, BI, B2, B6, B12 and Niacin, calcium and iron as well as dietary fibre is a winner for me. The Jungle Crunchalots cereal comes in all the favourite flavours – strawberry, honey and chocolate flavor and has 32% less sugar*. But would they like it?
Firstly, my kids were excited about the brightly coloured packaging. They were instantly drawn to “Oaty Cerealot” and his crew of monsters and of course my younger son wanted to try the chocolate flavor first, while mama wanted strawberry. One of the things my son loves the most is that the cereal stays “crunchy”. He often stops eating his breakfast when the cereal gets soft and soggy but Jungle Crunchalots remain solid and crunchy a lot longer.

Most bought cereals fall into the unhealthy category because they’re heavily processed or full of added sugar and additives, and this means they simply aren’t what I would consider a quality breakfast for your body. I love the fact that Jungle Crunchalots is made from oats and are high in Vitamin B, Iron and fibre. In addition to being a convenient source of nutrients and tasty start to each morning, by adding in yoghurt or milk it contributes to a portion of your daily calcium needs. Chuck in some fruit and you have a completely balanced breakfast.
One of the biggest benefits for me is the fact that Jungle Crunchalots has less sugar than any other cereal, at less than 1 teaspoon per serving, this is a HUGE advantage for me with my little sugar monster over here! Crunchalots also came in the top 3 cereals when profiled with the Nutrient Profiling Model (NPM).
Safe to say, I’m adding Crunchalots to our monthly shopping list and will certainly be repurchasing them for our breakfasts from now on.
*Disclaimer – This post was sponsored by Jungle Crunchalots, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.