Tag: adventures

Review: Fieldberry Farm – Raspberry picking fun for the whole family

Review: Fieldberry Farm – Raspberry picking fun for the whole family

A while back, together with a group of friends, we headed out to Fieldberry Farm, just South of Johannesburg for a day of raspberry picking fun.

I had heard a lot about Fieldberry, but I have to say it surpassed all expectations. If you are looking for a fun outing as a family, it doesn’t get much better, or fresher then when you’re walking through a field picking them yourself.

A morning spent at the farm transported me straight back to the Wine Farms in Cape Town. Friendly faces, hale bales to sit on and quirky farm stalls selling everything from raspberry preserves, smoothies, to homemade samosas.


What I didn’t know about this gem is that it is run by Lungi, who spent many years employed on this farm as a domestic worker. When the children she looked after had grown up and her employers were looking to hand over the business, Lungi took over and became a farmer.

Its been a hard journey for Lungi, and Fieldberry, battling droughts and government grants but thankfully with the recent rains and social media exposure, this season has been extended until April!

If you attend the weekend berry picking, you pay about R30 for a bucket (children under 10 free) and pick to your heart’s content (or as much as your bucket allows). Your berries then get weighed and you will pay per weight to take home. Prepare to get your hands (and face) tickled pink with sweet, sticky berry juice (mind the bee’s) as you fill up on the juicy fruit. You can bring along your picnic blankets and your own snacks, or you can order some nibbles and treats from their farm stalls.

I went home and divided our loot into 3. I froze a bag, we ate a bag, and I made a Vanilla and raspberry cake with the rest. Recipe to follow shortly.


The boys absolutely loved it and I’m super excited for our adventure there with the “Adventure Clubs” tomorrow, to take other kids around, see their excitement and of course drink some of their delicious smoothies again.

Joburg has all these incredible gems, we just have to share the love !

Directions are here. More information at +27-79-719-0793 and thefieldberryfarm.wordpress.com.