With Christmas coming up in less than 34 days I thought it was a great time to do a round-up of some of my favourite educational toys.
Personally I prefer gifting educational toys, not that my boys don’t have a ton of cars and remote control gadgets but I prefer toys that allow them to imagine, create and explore.
My boys adore Christmas time, we may not personally celebrate Christmas in a traditional way, but my family do and I think it’s important they grow up learning about both sides of their heritage. So every year at Granny and Grandpa’s house they decorate the tree and get involved with festive cheer. Likewise we still buy the family gifts as well.
I hope you will find this list useful and I am so happy that so many local, South African retailers have jumped on the STEM train as well!
Happy shopping !
Kidsology Toy shopping trolley R1299
Kidsology actually has a huge selection of beautifully crafted wooden toys, ranging from doctors sets to play food. When they are in stock the Fairy Garden sets are my favourite !
Science magic R169
Crystal Mining R149
Primary Science Shining stars projector R369
Nancy B compost kit R399
Geo Safari Bug Watch R349
Geo Safari Jr my first microscope R349
Weird science kit R129
Playmags 28 Piece magnetic tiles R550
Junior tradesman my first house R175
Mini candle making kit R159.90
Catapult making kit R199.90
Box car racer R299
Happy Learning ! xx
I’m 27 and I would like some of these gifts! Loving the compost kit and hello, volcano making kit! So cool haha
The Playdough set looks great!
My nephews are going to have a lot of fun with the KidsLabs Catapult! Good thing I won’t have to deal with them using the toy! Lol